The Basics:
Funded by: USAID
Prime contractor: Chemonics International
Contract type: Contract CFF
Sub-contract value: $1,901,827
SIL LEAD involvement: Year
Materials produced: Grade 1 Student Books and Teacher’s Guides for Seereer
Thesis of Project: Senegal Lecture Pour Tous (LPT) Project is a USAID-funded project implemented by Chemonics International between October 26, 2016, and July 10, 2021. The project will support the Ministry of Education (MOE) in developing a sustainable and scalable national reading program and will implement interventions to improve early grade reading instruction in public primary schools and daaras, improve delivery systems for early grade reading instruction improved, and improve parent and community engagement in early grade reading.
SIL LEAD Overall Contribution to Project:
SIL LEAD is providing targeted technical assistance for:
Developing evidence-based early grade reading materials in Senegalese languages
Improving teachers’ skills in evidence-based early grade reading instruction.
Improving coaching and supervision of early grade reading instruction
In addition, SIL LEAD is providing technical inputs to a lesser degree into the following components:
Early grade reading assessment improved (IR 1.4)
Research on early grade reading in Senegal produced and disseminated (IR 2.3)
Policies in support of evidence-based reading instruction implemented (IR 2.4)
Summary of the Project: The Government of Senegal and its Ministère de l’Education nationale (MEN) have launched a national reading program, Lecture Pour Tous, to significantly increase reading outcomes for students in the early grades. USAID’s primary technical assistance initiative to aid Lecture Pour Tous¸ contracted under USAID/All Children Reading and referred to here as simply Lecture Pour Tous, is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Chemonics International and its consortium of partners in support of the Senegalese National Reading Program led by the MEN Lecture Pour Tous began at the end of October 2016 and runs through July 10, 2021, aiming to greatly improve reading levels for students in Grades 1-3 through an effective, sustainable and scalable national program. This technical assistance program targets three outcomes to achieve this goal: improved early grade reading instruction in public primary schools and daaras, delivery systems for early grade reading instruction, and parent and community engagement in early grade reading.
To achieve this, the Lecture Pour Tous team and partners facilitating a politically savvy process to consolidate efforts around early grade reading in national languages in Senegal, capitalize on the best of renowned Senegalese expertise and experience, and complement these local assets and resources with world-class expertise from people who have applied the international evidence-base to achieve this kind of change in Senegal and elsewhere. Emphasis is placed on the idea that Lecture Pour Tous is there to serve the Ministry and the program’s dedication to the concept of “faisons ensemble.” The French name of the program underlines its commitment to serving as a resource to the Ministry and to the concept of “faisons ensemble”; we are here to assist the MEN, not vice-versa. Lecture pour Tous’s approach is unique in that its goal is to ultimately render itself redundant. By the 2018-2019 school year, the MEN should be ready to implement the National Reading Program essentially on its own in the region of St. Louis; by the end of Lecture Pour Tous, the Ministry should be taking over both core costs and full leadership of actions at scale.
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